Database of Famous Persons

User-defined Constants (SHOCKLIT SERVER)
The Astrofigure Database contains Astrological data on 2,962 famous people.  When you enter your birthdate in the home page, your attribute signs get calculated and then matched to the database to find which famous persons have most matching data.

The matching records are then displayed in the following order:
   1. people with most signs in common with you
   2. people with the same Sun sign
   3. people with the same Moon sign
   5. people with the same Venus + Mars signs
   4. people with the same Chinese zodiac signs
   6. people with the same Numerology birthpaths
   7. people with the same Mars signs
   8. people with the same Venus signs

Mathematically, there are over 560,000 possible combinations of signs within the six astrological attributes.  This means there are over 560,000 possible Astrofigure "personality types".

If astrology works, then we should be able to recognize some similarities between our own character traits and those of well-known people who have the same signs.

“Every one counts, but none too much.” --Rudyard Kipling

Search for a famous name in the Database: 

Random game--Who is this Person? 
  in small database (616 people)
  in full database (2,962 people)

People who have the same birthdates 

Data integrity -- uncertain Moon signs 

Quote from AstroDatabank Guidebook 


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